I must tell you that weather like this makes me appreciate Las Vegas weather more than I ever thought. This morning it was cold that you could see your breath in lobby of the Marriott I am staying in. That is cold, actually about eight degrees without the wind chill factor, I am still not warmed up.
I had the greatest question tonight when I got back to my room, actually a really great question, so I thought sharing it might answer it for many others as well. The question is as follows, Dear Jeff, if carbohydrates are so bad for us, why are they the foods that everyone eats, wants, and misses so much when we they are taken away?
First of all, carbohydrates for the most part are inexpensive, although fine chocolates can be pricey. They are everywhere, and lets face it the taste great! This is the main reason they are so hard to give up. I think that fast food, complex carbohydrates if eaten as almost anything in a small moderation could be tolerable. The problem is we, as Americans do nothing in moderation. When we eat junk, we eat tons of it, the same for sugar and caffeine, we really are a nation of excesses.
The thing we have to remember is that these foods and a diet built on this group of foods is actually detrimental to your health. Almost every single one of the major diseases in this country are basically caused by inactivity, stress and this diet.
high carbohydrate diets are great tasting, bad for us, habit forming and cause health risks that can be life threatening, and they lead to the major diseases we hear about and see every day. Diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, vascular circulatory disease, heart disease, stroke are just the tip of the end results of this diet, but we still eat that way , why, because we love to eat, and we love to eat badly.
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