It is funny how old things recirculate. Everything from clothing styles to old sayings to fads of all different kinds. They come and hit strong, stay around a while and then disappear and the five or ten years later, boom they are back again.Sometimes they hit even stronger that previous times, and then sometimes they fizzle out quickly as the audience is different and likes and dislikes have changed over the last few years.Sometimes things we found important years ago are not as important now.
Hollywood is the place that is most well known for recycling things. Everything from sayings, fads,diets and what to wear are just a few things that seem to change daily in the glamour capital of the world. There is not a day that you will not see or read a periodical that is touting a new or a renew , if you will diet program. The one that is getting huge attention this month is the Lemonade diet, or the Master Cleanser program. Although this diet has been around about forty years, you would think by the attention it is getting that it was fresh off the press. This program utilizes a sort of fasting that allows you to flush out the system and it is quite effective. People that are on an array of medications may have to talk to their Physicians before attempting this since you are actually fasting and there is no food eaten for ten days. Many medications need food to work correctly. If you are presently working with a Doctor, checking with him or her should be first and primary before starting this or any diet. Most everyone else can do quite well with this program with little or no change to the daily routine.
The foundation or premise of this program is to drink a gallon of water with the squeezed juice of 6-8 lemons and 5-6 Tablespoons of natural maple syrup and as much Cayenne pepper as you can handle in the beverage. This process allows the body to burn stored fats while shrinking the appetite and deterring the cravings for sweets. This actually serves many purposes like weight loss, reduced cravings for junk food and a good cleansing as well as giving the digestive system a chance to rebuild and relax a little.
Some good points to this program are the quick results and that it is easy to follow, and after a few days hunger pangs diminish very fast. One problem is that not everyone can carry the gallon of liquid with them nor do they have the space or availability to have the liquid at work. This is something that has been a bit of a dilemma. The company I work for Great Earth has come up with what I feel is a ground breaking solution idea and it is called Lemonate. It is the same idea in a tablet formula. What an amazing idea for those who want it even easier. This way you could actually drink the liquid mixture at home in the morning and evening and use the tablets with a lot of water during the day. You could also do the liquid all day and still add the tablet to speed the results and cleanse and lose weight faster and easier.
Some people are using it as a ten day wake up call for the body to prepare it for a new way of eating. or a dietary change, or a fast flush before a special event, or just to do have a quick way to shed a few pounds to get you motivated.
Whatever you choose to use it for, it will be an easy and quick way to get results easily and quickly. If you are interested, leave me an e mail and I can direct you to the closest retailer.
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