Friday, October 26, 2007

Is there a junk food junkie in the house, rather is there someone who is not?

Are you a junk food junkie? Lately when I speak to people about diet or we are reviewing their blood work or they are passing on the comments from the Doctor, the subject of diet always comes up.

They are actually amazed when the Doctor said they have to change their diet. I ask for a two or three sample diet or plan of what they commonly eat, and it is amazing some of them are still alive.Junk food has not only become a staple for the American diet, it is also a sport a past time and a daily social event. I see the faces of so many people that have been told to thin down to lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol, or give up the junk food do to heart disease or other circulatory problems and although they way down deep agree, they are crushed, I mean totally destroyed that they cannot be with their best friend junk food anymore.

How weird are we that we have allowed food to take over every aspect of our lives? Some of us are so out of control that we have to given into drastic surgery to make our body reject it. Will power and the fear of God and dying no longer do the trick. We are not scared of dying and we know that somewhere there will be a medication or drug therapy to save us if we get out of control.

The problem is the adults have done it so long now and have become so ridiculously out of shape morbidly obese and desensitized that now the kids do not care either. With a gym on every corner, and a fast food restaurant on every other corner, the gyms and smart choices are losing.

How overweight and sick as a nation, how reliant ion drugs, how lazy, tired, fatigued, stressed out, depressed and pharmaceutic ally controlled do we actually have to get to make the changes so many of us need? I am sure it could be bet on here in Las Vegas, I am afraid to say the time needed to make changes as a nation will be a hands down long shot of the century to say the least!

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