Happy New Year!!!!
I am finally back and ready to write and pass on healthy tips and suggestions after a busy December.
December found me volunteering the entire month for an organization here in Las Vegas called the "Magical Forest". This is a Christmas themed event that benefits Opportunity Village, an organization that helps Mentally handicapped adults get on their feet, working, earning a paycheck and also provides all of the help these special adults need to live as close to normal lives as possible.
I learn so much every year when I am helping with this great organization. First of all, we are all a bunch of wimps here in America. We complain about the most ridiculous things that mean almost nothing, and we are so spoiled, almost to the level of absurdness!
We as Americans have the most of everything that we can possibly handle for making our lives wonderful, and yet we complain about that as well. We are lucky enough to have more choices for everything than almost every other country, and we are still not satisfied. I am amazed every time I hear people complaining about the most ridiculous thing and with such passion that I really do feel that if most of us were put somewhere that offered little to no cushy lifestyles and multiple choice alternatives, we would most likely die.
The New Year should actually be called Thanksgiving in my mind because it is actually the time for all of us to stand back and be thankful for another year of good health, good fortune and a great life. The thing is, even if it was not that great or healthy, we should still be thankful for living in a place where we have the tools to turn it around and make this year the best ever.
Be thankful for all you have and appreciate the choices you have, and most of all the right to be as healthy as you would like to be!
Happy New Year to all of you and yours