Thursday, June 16, 2011

Never too late to get started..

I have decided that making myself be more attentive to my blog would be a good thing. Every day I am inundated with great information, and although the radio show serves as a spring board for information, I think we need any and all information to have the healthiest life possible.

The new is playing an important role these days in supplying information, but as with many Madison avenue sources of advertising, we, the public are at the mercy of the people paying or backing the discussed or advertised information. I have always been an advocate of second and third opinions for medical health problems, and at the same time, I am always someone who believes in doing your homework and not relying solely on one information source.

Especially, when you are trying to establish a new healthy way of living, make sure to always do your homework, ask questions, and pursue a new way of thinking. Many times we will find out that a healthy way of living may be completely different, and in your mind may not make sense, but the bottom line, we are just accustomed to doing it in an unhealthy way.

The last thing to remember is no matter how bad you have been to yourself, and how unhealthy you may have eaten, it is NEVER too late to start treating yourself with respect, and in a healthy way.

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