It sometimes amazes me that main stream media, as strong as it is, has the nerve to put it's advertisers ahead of information they should be striving to bring to the public.
I understand that companies that are visible in the media include everything from car dealerships to phone companies, all of that is fine with me, my problem is when advertisers only advertise products for symptomatic relief of health problems. As strong and powerful as advertising is today, why can't the companies also promote basic things as well as products to the listeners that use radio and televison as their health guru? Why is it so hard to remind people about basic things that they already know, but as basic as they are, most of us do not make them part of the daily schedule.
For example, reminding people to drink their 8 glasses of water every day, eat their green vegetables and add fruit to their diet, and then they can end with while you are doing this and creating a healthy diet, use an antacid for occasional discomfort. Why can't they promote increasing fiber in the diet, and how by adding it to every meal how it will give you great health beneifts, and then say for occasional constipation add a laxative. Would it be hard to talk about the cause, the over looked problems just a bit in the ads, and then have their advertisements?
Am I being unrealistic? Yes.. But I always hope that morals, good will and responsibility may someday over shadow the almightly dollar, and may I say Greed!
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