Strength is measured in many ways, and sometimes on your life journey you may discover that you are stronger than you ever knew you were. Dealing with life today on any level takes strength. From your daily work schedule, to doing the day to day tasks that are required of all of us, as well as the extra things we take on that force us into an overload situation. Sometimes I personally am amazed how much I am able to balance in a single day, but then again my personality has always been that way, so it seems to be comfortable for me. On the other hand I can pretty well guess that my body, and my brain would disagree.
Lately I see more and more people in these over load situations using all of their mental and physical energy reserves to deal with all of their daily requirements. Many of these same people are dealing with the added stress of everyone around them, leaving them run down and out of fuel. I then see these same people hitting a wall when something happens to them that changes their life dramatically, and although they have always been a rock for everyone around them, they crash and burn and sometimes lose their own fights.
After many years I have decided that true balance in life is the key, and even if you are the "go to" person, or savior of everyone around you, there does come a time when you must try something uncomfortable and be a little selfish and just say no.
Today all of us over 40 have a much higher chance of having health problems, and life threatening diseases are now much more common place. This leads to a new way of thinking, one that includes a thought process we might have always thought we did not need to worry about until we were at an older stage of our life. Today, these health problems are happening to us at a much younger age, we now have to think about them decades earlier just to have a chance of being healthier and more prepared for holding onto our health.
The bottom line today is focus clearly on your health. Get check ups more frequently, think about what you are eating, and make a conscious effort to work on the basics into your life. Exercise, water, sleep, social interaction, and removing negativity are all steps to a longer healthier life, and must prioritize them and make them important.
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