I would like to talk about the best, in my mind, fat burner around. I have talked many times over the years about Lipotropics, but I am on the bandwagon again.
Lipotropics is a concentrated form of lecithin, but much stronger. It is actually per 3 tablet dosage equal to 6 tablespoons of Lecithin granules or 30 Lecithin capsules. One major difference is that although Lecithin supplements are great fro our health, the Lipotropics actually help the liver to produce Lecithin and do it's job more effectively.
When it comes to the liver, it is the one organ that does have the capacity to rejuvenate and clean itself out, and get back in proper working order after it has been overworked and abused. The Lipotropics do a whole list of things for the body, I felt it would be easier to just make a list.
1. Lower cholesterol and raise good quality HDL
2. Burn fat in and around the liver
3/ Help to reduce platelet aggregation and plaque on the arterial walls
4. Help with weight loss
5. Reduce fatty body areas and help to melt away cellulite as part of your exercise
6.Help to increase memory
7.Help to cleanse a toxic and overworked liver
8.Help to cleanse old prescription medication residue out of the liver
9.Helps us process and digests fats from our meals
This product is always best taken with meals and the dosage is safe and can be up to three or more with every meal. The average dosage tends to be about three daily, and you get the best success when you increase your water consumption.
I feel everyone will benefit from this product both adults as well as over eating and inactive teenagers whose livers are aging quickly with their sedentary lifestyles. Pick some up today and help your liver help you be healthier.
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