Finally in Tampa after two days in Key West. I could not get a strong enough signal to chat yesterday, but it was a great experience. Not only was the weather beautiful, but it really is a geographic location to see and enjoy.
We were able to spend the day with Roland, another of our new and definitely upcoming licensees. He has opened a beautiful store in Key West, and it is called VIP Nutrition. A beautiful corner store location that is well located in the city.
Roland has decided to make his store a firm Great Earth Vitamins location, as it is his main line of supplements. The store is very new and has only been open a month, it is not only doing well, but it is becoming the place to go for knowledge and selection as well as quality. I was also happy to see he has put in a smoothie bar, a big plus for this area as so many people are into health, and as the warm weather comes in, thirst will increase, and nothing better than an ice cold fresh fruit smoothie.
Roland was a gracious host and took us for a night on the town including a wonderful dinner and a show.Kathy and I are just so excited that we were able to see the whole area in person, and spend this quality time with Roland.
We just landed in Tampa, once a gain on a rubber band plane, thankfully we were able to land safely here in Tampa. I will keep you posted as we start our next round of visits here.
I hope all of you in cold and warn climates are healthy, and taking care of you great health.
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