Today's blog is short and sweet as I am leaving for Seattle, and I will be writing the daily blogs from there.
Many people have asked how to leave comments here, and I guess it is a little confusing, so I hope this works,
First of all you can always e- mail me if you have questions and I will get back to you within the day, or you can click on comment's section at the end of the daily article. You then type your comment and at the end pick either: other, where you wtite your name and email address, or anonymous and it will still come to me and then I will post it to the page.
Remember this is a great tool to get your questions asked as well as giving me topics you would like to see discussed eithet in the daily blog or the weekly radio show on KDWN. Either way, welcome if this is your first time here, or welcome back if you are returning. I never thought I would enjoy something so much as doing this daily writing, but I am.
So off I go into the North west and I am sure by looks of the weather report I will be making it rain again in Seattle. The last time I was there, it had been sunny for 3 weeks, and when I arrived it rained for six days. At the airport I turned in my rental car and it stopped for one week.I am trying not to take it personally but come on, give me a break!! Oh well, stay tuned for daily info from Washington state, and my vertures up yonder.
Stay healthy, and keep your fingers croosed that I can avoid the airport strip search, and that my plane makes it there smoothly. I often say I do not mind flying, it is just the going up and going down that is a problem, that in the air thing is pretty good.
Have a safe trip Jeff. We hope to catch you ate one of the stores when you get back...