Today's blog is a very simple one from my heart. Thank you to everyone for your concern and your e- mails and calls. I am actually doing great. The chance to travel and do what I am so lucky to enjoy doing on a larger scale is a wonderful feeling.
So many of you are great friends and we have grown to know each other very well. I know many of you and your kids and your kids kids.This alone has made me make sure that having locations in town for you to continue all the hard work and great nutrition you have grown so accustomed to having are in place. This makes me feel wonderful because with many of us our good health is not something that comes easy, it takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice, so knowing that you will be able to continue on your healthy paths is a good thing.
So many times I guess we all find things and places and people in our lives that we grow used to having at our fingertips and that are always there for us, and then one day they are not. This has happened to me so many times, and although I am always a proponent of change being good, I still hold true that change is hard.
So from the bottom of my heart I hope you always continue to read the blog daily, I promise to keep great information coming your way. Good information that you can use for yourself, your friends and your families. Some times the information is needed now, and sometimes it will be something you may use at a later date, or not at all. Sometimes you may just be the wiser for learning something new today, I know I always feel great when I learn something new and can share it, especially when I thought I was always doing it correctly all along!
Also, as the radio show has moved you can still hear the shows locally in Nevada on 720 on the AM dial Sundays at 8:00 AM. Also anywhere else through the computer at KDWN.COM, just make sure to make allowances for time changes.
As a reminder, please leave comments and article ideas and for that matter radio show topics you would like to have discussed. Remember, so many of you, and I am talking about thousands of you over the two and a half decades have come in and told me that listening to phone calls on the show, and hearing others with your same problems let you know you were not alone. These callers helped you to try new things, so have the same courtesy and pass on your wonderful learned knowledge ans experiences for all to read, I would very much enjoy hearing your ideas. The greatest thing about this blog, is so many of you already know me, and whose trust and friendship I am so blessed to have.
These days everyone has jumped on the nutrition bandwagon, and many of them I am sorry to say have mislead and incorrectly informed the public.That in itself makes this a wonderful blessing for me, because everyone that knows me knows that I will do everything in my power to bring the facts, the studies and the ideas that we all need and want and deserve.
Thank you, your friend, nutrition guru and loyal nutrition information source now and forever.
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