Today's blog is a short and to the point one. Please start putting yourself first for once in your life. I swear that just this week I have caught up with so many people I know and almost everyone of them is letting major drama that they have no control over rule their life. It seems as if almost everyone of them has put their personal betterment on hold to take care of things for everyone else and have totally forgotten about the things they want and need.
I am sure that most people will say that many times they have to put their own wants and desires on the back burner because of everything else going on. I am here to say it is time we put ourselves back in the primary position. This week alone I have spoke with, and I kept track because it was almost an epidemic of people doing this to over sixty people. I actually spoke to hundreds more, but the sixty were the group I have been speaking of. Everyone of them said that they have been diagnosed with blood pressure problems, their weight has gone up drastically, they have not started that vitamin regime, have not started exercising, have not changed the diet and so on, and the excuse was always the same, "I am too busy with so many other things".
I am sure there are many people in the grave yard that wish they would have changes their focus and put themselves first, those who died of stress related heart attacks and strokes or diseases all brought on by not doing all the things the really needed to do. Many people that would love a second chance to get back to the gym, drink more water, take their supplements, start a relaxation routine, and just enjoy every day to the fullest, because it is so fast and over way too quickly.
Moral of the story, MELPS
M- Make each day count. E-Enjoy each day to the fullest. L- Love your self. P-Put yourself first every day. S-Stop doing anything that puts you anything but first on the list.
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