Have you ever had one of those days when nothing went right? You dropped everything you picked up, you forgot where you parked your car? I have not had one like this for a while, and the funny thing is I stopped taking Ginkgo Biloba and Mental Edge in November, and just never replaced it.
This is my day, see if you can relate, I sure hope not. I got up this morning and started shaving, got a phone call and wiped the shaving cream off my face , answered the phone and when I was through I got in the shower, then I finished dressing and looked in the mirror and realized that I had only shaved half my face. Off went the clothes, and I started over. I sat my Cellular phone down, and then for the life of me could not find it. I finally called it from the house phone and played listen and guess where it was, after an hour I remembered that it was on vibrate and I had to just listen really close to hear it jumping around somewhere. It was on my belt loop of my pants, I was wearing baggy pants and could not feel it vibrating off my belt. I knew at this point it was all downhill.
I set the alarm and went to my truck to realize I forgot my briefcase, I went back in reset the alarm and went out side only to realize that I had locked my keys in the house. So over the fence I went and was able to reach through the pet door and unlock a door all the while being jumped on by the six four legged kids. Back inside I took inventory and finally got to my car and on my way. I then realized that I had forgot to feed the dogs, so back I went, actually one was still in the house who slept late and had not even gone out for the morning business. It just keeps getting better.
Finally I am on my way to work and stopped at the post office and put the letters through the slot inside, in my hand were the stamps that I still had not put on my letters. I rang the bell, and luckily had someone with a small amount of personality that actually laughed, most likely at me, but then I would have laughed at me at this point. After putting on the stamps, I pushed them through the slot while hearing a voice saying" did you put the stamps on this time", I laughed out loud, and mumbled something not too nice under my breath. All the while thinking " if you only knew what my day was like already".
Off to do the rest of my things for the day. I proceeded to have problems all day starting with going to get a snack and then I think I set it on the roof of my car and drove away, never to see it again. I misplaced my wallet, my car keys a few more times, had my t shirt on backwards all day, and nobody said a thing to me. I am sure I have been a great source of entertainment for many people today, so I decided to continue it on the blog. Maybe this way I can get it all out in one twenty four hour period.
The moral of this story, I am not as young as I think I am. I am definitely in need of the brain nutrients I thought I could do without, and they REALLY are a necessity. Finally, when I was young and laughed at people writing notes down on little pieces of paper, and walking aimlessly around parking lots looking for their cars, I have learned that pay back is not pretty, as we will all be there someday. Tomorrow is a new day, full of lots of brain nutrients, and I swear I will never stop taking them again
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