Does it seem to you as if the holidays start earlier every year? There was a time when the Christmas season started after the J.L.Hudson Christmas parade in Detroit where I was raised on Thanksgiving day. I was just a kid, and I still remember after the parade all of the windows would lift up their curtains and they would have all of the animated figures moving and they were brightly decorated, it was then that the season had begun. There also was the day after Christmas when everything went on sale and you would go return every gift that people bought you that you did not want and get twice as much stuff you did want at half price.
I stopped into one of the malls today and there was actually a sign saying "Christmas items 50% off", It is not even November. It is bad enough that stores put up their Christmas trees in July, and start playing the music in October, but a half off sale for a holiday that has not even happened that is two months away, give me a break.
As I walked around the mall I could already start to see the faces of frustrated shoppers already scampering around as if it was Christmas eve, it was frightening. I know the season is upon us as this is when the weather changes quickly,almost over night, and everyone starts to line up for their flu shots whether they need it or not, people are bound and determined to have last years flu vaccine injected into their systems so they can avoid a flu that might not come.
The thing they fail to remember is we live in Las Vegas, the travel melting pot of the west and the vaccine is based on last years flu.Tthis year people will come from all over the world to live, to play and to visit Las Vegas and all of them leaving a little or a lot of their personal wealth behind, as well as a flu bug from wherever they are from. Most of the time it is a strain that you are not even inoculated for, or a strain that is already resistant to the shot, so why do we not just go back to square one and work on the one thing that will protect us every year if we take care of it, our immune system.
For the next couple of blogs I will address the building of your immune system, and give you some great suggestions to make it a less stressful holiday, and hopefully one that does not include multiple prescriptions of antibiotics, and Doctors or emergency room visits.
Tomorrow will be the first of flu preparation week, so tune in, and lets stay healthy, so we can deal with all of the sick people around us that are not taking care of themselves. We have to remember,we cannot live in a bubble, so we need to be able to handle whatever germs come our way.
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