We are entering the time of year when we spend extra money on lotions and everything available for helping out dry skin. We fail to figure out that dehydration is a major factor as well as not eating a proper amount of good oil all contribute to this dry skin problem.
When warm weather suddenly disappears and we are not as thirsty as we were all summer long, we suddenly find ourselves not drinking enough fluids and chances are if we do they just happen to be dehydrating beverages like coffee, tea or sodas. Did you know that sodas can actually cause us to dehydrate? So here we are in the cooler weather on our way to cold weather and our skin is dry and flaky.
So lets make it easy and put this problem under control.Drink eight glasses of water per day, take 2 Tablespoons of flax oil every day with or on your food, supplement omega three capsules, add more olive oil to salads, eat more fish preferably salmon, tuna and mackerel. Topically use a good quality non preservative based lotion, I recommend a shark oil based lotion called Squalene. It is the most lubricating lotion I have ever worked with before. I recommend it for eczema,psoriasis, dry elbow and knees, stretch marks, under make up lubricant ,actually dry skin everywhere and anywhere on the body. It is non greasy, will not clog the pores and I personally feel there is no lotion on the market as good or as effective.After selling it for almost fifteen years and recording more that fifty radio shows on Squalene, I have never had a return or a bad response,so if you can get this product where you live at your local health food store, your skin will love you for it.If you have trouble finding it,e mail me and I will direct you to a place to order it.
So these are few things that are easy to do that will get rid of your dry itchy insightful and uncomfortable winter skin, and possibly keep you out of the Dermatologist office.
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